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This Is My Mess, Don't Mess with it!

This is my first attempt at a web site and it is about the things I like to mess around with. As you go through here you will find I have several things that I am interested in. You may also come to the conclusion that I am a RED NECK, and as you know Red Necks spell some words different then you would expect. Therefore I don't use Spell Check and you will have to get use to the way I spell and write. After all this is my site.
I dont have a lot of time to put into this site at one time, so this will be a work in progress for quite some time. As time permits I will be adding more pages and information. If there is something in here that you like please sign the guest book and leave comments so I can see where I need to spend more time and effort.
Below you will find pictures which will link you to other pages on my site where I will go further into my interests on that subject.

Guns and Shooting

Fishing and Boats


Machining Projects

Repair Projects

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